WIC Wayfinding

This assignment investigates the wayfinding experiences mothers, fathers, and caregivers encounter using the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children - better known as the WIC Program. The mission in this human centered design project has two phases.

Phase One (Group) – Research & Inspiration: Groups of two to four conduct primary research interviewing family members who participate in the program. Secondary research requires the group to learn about the overall experience using WIC in stores, in their app, and during counseling sessions as well as looking for inspiration for how the experience can be altered or improved  based on your interviews.

Phase Two (Solo or Group if you wish) – Prototype & Design: Select and redesign an existing aspect of the WIC experience that centers around the nutritional data & debit (electronic benefit transfer EBT) emphasis of using the program. 

This project was co-designed for "Information Architecture 2" in Communication Design at MassArt with Professor Martha Rettig and Adjunct Faculty Ryan Kenney & Kathryn Coppolino.


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WIC WayfindingTeaching

Degree ProjectTeaching

Break A LegTeaching

DMI Thesis BooksPrint, Interactive

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