Project Overview
This project has taken two forms, a daily version and a single biographical animated + static version. In both cases all students are strongly encouraged to work in their native language in this project.
The Daily Drop Cap is a semester long typographic sketchbook project completed each day for 78 days using no more than two colors each day.
The Initial Logo or bioghraphical dropcap is a two color animated version of the first letter of their name.
What's a drop cap? During the late nineteenth century, illustrated hand woodcut initial caps were a fashionable and functionable typographic accent. A lot of visual information could be conveyed through this medium and so many were made and published it triggered a collecting craze for the printed specimens slashed out of European books and manuscripts. (Heller, “Initial Caps: The Birth of Illustrated Typography”).
Selected Works
WorkshopsProject type
The Criss Cross MethodTeaching
Parks & RecreationTeaching
WIC WayfindingTeaching
Visualize Your IdentityTeaching
Degree ProjectTeaching
The Daily FrustrationTeaching
Break A LegTeaching
DMI Thesis BooksPrint, Interactive
1, 2, 3,
Let's work!
Let's work!
Habitual Line Sketcher
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